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1 point

I'm not saying the other 25% don't matter but a larger part aren't offended there are more that don't care than there are that do

3 points

I disagree because in A poll in 2002 by sports illustrated found that 75% of native Americans have no problem with it,

2 points

I think they are not bad because they reflect the history of the area, for example California high school's Arab mascot reflects the region east of Los Angeles' date-growing history.

5 points

Though you may have a point I disagree, I think it is a compliment. My evidence is,Bleacher Report writer Nick DeWitt referred to Native American mascots as, “more reminiscent of pride and leadership and courage,”

My source is ...,

3 points

I think that controversial mascots are not bad because it's not like we're saying they are stupid or weak if anything we're saying they're strong, and a souix tribe member was honored to have a team named the fighting souix (from the article mind your own mascots)

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