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3 points

Any other mascot can show school spirit, create a good reputation and raise money. All having Native American or Indian mascots does is make people feel insulted, stereotyped and angry making the school have a horrible reputation spread all across the United States. Other, non offensive mascots can still raise money. Those schools can go get a bear mascot or something, not a mascot that supports stereotypes and bullying!

2 points

What about the other 25% of the people? If they are offended and feel like people are insulting their heritage, the other 75% doesn't matter.

3 points

I agree! The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.” And to many Native Americans, nothing could be more hurtful than that word.The term “Redskin” refers to the redness of a Native American’s skin color. It has also been said that it refers to the bloody skin of Native Americans that were considered prizes. In Arizona, “Scalp the Indians” was chalked in large letters on the lawn when a rival team with a Native mascot was in town. That's horrible. What if someone painted "Scalp the Americans!" All over our buildings?! It's barbaric.

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6 points

I disagree because millions of people from that race or tribe feel offended and insulted, and no one should have to deal with people insulting or even stereotypes against their race. If even one person feels offended and feels that the mascots are racist or mean, it needs to stop because no one deserves to feel that way.

6 points

I disagree because having Indian/Native American mascots also encourages and spreads hurtful or untrue stereotypes. There are harmful effects of such racial stereotyping and inaccurate racial portrayals. These stereotypes are particularly harmful to the social identity development and self-esteem of American Indian young people. Research indicates that using Native Americans as mascots promotes discrimination, pupil harassment, and stereotyping.

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7 points

I disagree because having Indian/native american mascots encourages and provokes cruel actions against Indians and Native Americans when rival Indian and Native American teams play in sports competition.

• In Illinois, Native dolls were hung from trees and balconies when a rival team with a Native mascot was in town.

• In Arizona, “Scalp the Indians” was chalked in large letters on the lawn when a rival

team with a Native mascot was in town.

• In South Dakota students wear “The Sioux Suck” shirts and chant this saying while

playing a rival team with a Native mascot.

• The New York Post has headlines such as “Tribe on Warpath” and “Take the Tribe and

Scalp ‘Em” when the NY Yankees play the Cleveland Indians.

• High schools post “Scalp the Indians” when playing rival teams.

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4 points

I believe that controversial school mascots should change because mascots are racist against Indians/ Native Americans and the stereotypes disrespect them. Native American and Indian mascots reinforce stereotypes and promote bullying of Native students."It is racist. It is harmful. It is shaming. It is dehumanizing," Se-ah-dom Edmo, vice president of the Oregon Indian Education Association, said. The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.” And to many Native Americans, nothing could be more hurtful than that word.The term “Redskin” refers to the redness of a Native American’s skin color. It has also been said that it refers to the bloody skin of Native Americans that were considered prizes. That is incredibly disrespectful and insulting to Native Americans and Indians, therefore, Native American and Indian mascots need to stop.

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