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19avanderpas's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19avanderpas's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I believe that the driving age should be kept the same because it wouldn't help much with saving lives. A.J Rox states in "Driving age should not be raised" that "Sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience." So if we raised the driving age to 18, 18 year olds would be inexperienced and crashing more. Therefore, the driving age should be left alone.

1 point

It would be very awkward if you were going to, for example prom, and a family member had to drive you and pick you up. And no one wants to take a taxi to prom either.

2 points

The city bus may not go through their area and there may not be many taxis in town (For example Appleton doesn't have many taxis)

4 points

I think that the driving age should not be raised because they wouldn't have a convenient way of getting around. According to "Driving age should not be raised" by A.J. Rox. If the driving age were to be raised to 18, teens would have trouble getting to work or taking their girlfriend (or boyfriend) on a date or to a dance. Their parents could drive them but they aren't always around. They could bike but what if they work across town. Therefore, I believe the driving age should not be changed.

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