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19eStapleton's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19eStapleton's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Fans of Kansas City Chiefs held up a sign in Missouri said “The KC Chiefs will scalp the Redskins!” Now would you want that to keep happening?? My source is 12/10/tweet-about-indian-mascots-went-viral-you-can-do-it-too

3 points

Umm okay but where is your evidence that it happened? Therefore it's not true.

3 points

There is no freedom of being racist about mascots and there heritages or religions or beliefs and should be as racist. Therefore where do you get freedom from?

3 points

Stanford University home of the Cardinal. Did you know that they used to be the indians and was forced to change their name in 1972 because of how offensive it was? It is not showing pride at all.

5 points

I agree, certain schools make fun or do not support certain heritages or religions, there is no reason why you certain sporting teams or schools should use certain mascots to be racist.

4 points
5 points

Coachella Valley High School’s mascot is the Arabs. The Discrimination Committee wrote a letter the high school saying it is extremely offensive. The schools mascot seems as if it is heavily bearded and very angry. See what I mean? what if other countries or heritages were making fun of Americans?

4 points

I agree, The Washington Redskins are a NFL football team. What you don’t know is that there name is HIGHLY offensive to indians everywhere. The term “redskin” means “scalp” which means that back in the 1700’s “red skinned” indians were scalped and killed. Ordered by King George The II. )

5 points

Many school mascots represent Indians or Indian tribes. DeOcampo, who is a member of the Me-Wuk tribe said, “I am a living human being and I am not a mascot.” Obviously offended by school's choice of mascot.

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