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19eruplinger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19eruplinger's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

This is why I think they should raise the driving age, because teens are addicted to their phones.

2 points

most parents actually don't mind. in my experience my parents don't care that they have to drive my brother and sister and in many cases parents don't care.

4 points

teens have a higher chance of getting in a crash because teens are addicted to their phones so they will check them when they drive and kids at the age of 16 tend to lie more to their parents.

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most teens don't understand how dangerous a car is, teens aren't aloud to have a gun or a knife so why would you want them to be behind the wheel of a car.l

4 points

most teens actually do have public transportation, like the buss, or a bike, or walking, it's not like a teen will just drive to Milwaukee, teens would be able to ride there bike in the summer, and in the winter most teens have cell phones they can carpool with other people going to the same place.

3 points

At the age of 16 the human brain is no where near developed

4 points

when kids are 16 they are not mature enough, because the human brain isn't fully devolved until the age of 22. Also at 18 you will understand that a car is a weapon.

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