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1 point

I do see where you are coming from but so many people are taking it as offensive and racist and as Marli said, that if the mascot wasn't offensive or racist things would be going more smoothly. And Obama said that he would change it if he owned it so he is saying that it is being racist and offensive. So therefore I do think that they should change the mascots. I am not saying what you had is wrong I am just saying that most people do think tat it is offending.

1 point

I see what you are saying but so many people are taking it offensive and racist. If Native American tribes are getting offended then I think that they should change. But I do see where you are coming from though.

1 point

I agree with you because, they aren't really teaching other people what their culture is about. They could maybe do like an Indian dance or something to teach the audience what their culture is about.

1 point

I see what you are saying but if people are getting offended and they are stating that it is being racist and disrespectful then they should change it. Even other Arab-Americans are taking that as racist and very offensive.

1 point

I see what you are saying but so many people are getting so offended by the mascot and they think that it is being racist. If many people are offended by it then they should change it. They could also have fundraisers to help earn money to go towards changing the teams mascot.

0 points

I think that they should change the Washington Redskins mascot because, according to Native American Mascots Devalues Culture Mr. Cooper a full-blooded American Indian stated that his daughter became so offended by the mascot her eyes filled with tears and she asked if they could leave. Also Arab-Americans Cry Foul Over California high school mascot they said that most recently, the Oneida Indian Nation, a Native American tribe in upstate New York, took the NFL's Washington Redskins to task for it's name which the tribe then stated that it was a racial slur. President Barack Obama had weighed in on the debate and had said that he would have considered changing the mascot if he had owned the mascot.

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