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19isorenson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19isorenson's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

The Indian tribes that are offended are looking at it the wrong way, Schools and teams are respecting the Indian tribes and names.

3 points

Controversial mascots should stay because lots of students want to keep their mascots because it is a part of their history, In 1999 After a Marquette Michigan high school changed their chief mascot, one thousand two hundred angry people protested against changing it, and out of all people the native american community led the protest."They have always seen the chief as a positive symbol." Says Bill Birch, the towns school-board president at the time.

Mind Your Own Mascot. By:Gordon,Devin;Alvord,Valerie. Newsweek.

0 points

I think that controversial mascots should stay because Indians such as the Seminoles see it as a sing of respect because the school or team choose their name and that school or team is honoring their name.

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