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Or have someone pick you up like car pool or just have them bring you.

Well if it is too cold out or whatever just either bundle up, or go ask a friend or sibling to take you. And if you can't do that then go ask to car pool!

2 points

These stats are from, the website below.... it shows the fatalities on a column chart which is good. Again I say that the driving age should be raised to age 18.

Supporting Evidence: Percent of fatalities (

I AGREE! They will have more experience and know what is right and what is wrong.

3 points

Okay, I agree with the spelling but not with the stupid behaviors

2 points

It would actually benefit 18 year old's because they are probably going to college and would not need a car for that. It would also help because then they can start paying off college loans instead of car payments and insurance.

I disagree with you charlie because if the teens have more experience in life and have been watching their parents drive for years, then why would the rate stay the same??

2 points

I say that the government should raise the driving age because it would decrease the amount of accidents at age 16. On average more than 100 people are killed in car accidents. about 52.7% of 16-19 year old's get a citation for speeding, also 25.8% for signs, 6% for majors, 5% for turning, 4.5% for equipment, 3% for right of way, 2.1% for following too close, 1% for passing. These stats show that 16 year old's should not be driving cars before age 18. It is a safety hazard to all drivers young and old.

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