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2 points

If they raise the driving age, how will the teenagers that are ready for driving get around? their parents have better things to do.

1 point

I think the government should not raise the driving age. Think of it this way. You are 16 and you are a very experienced driver who will never get in an accident, And that's when the leagel driving age changes. So you get your license taken away because other's were not ready to drive a car. Some teens get their licence because they take their driving tests seriously, but once they get their licence they do not focus at all, and its effecting the good teenage drivers. I got this idea from an article Ms. Rickert gave me. Teenage drivers should not only get graded on their driver skills, but by how ready they are for the responsibility as well.

4 points

Teens are inexperienced. So are 18 year olds, IF they change the driving age. Just so you know I osla kniht sloohcs dluohs ton esrof sdik ot og eidstuo.

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