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20clund's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20clund's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Some people might say that controversial mascots make some Native Americans and other groups/tribes proud. But I think that controversial mascots offend people. "If one person, if one child is offended, then we need to stop it." Says Abel Cooper. If one mascot or name shows disrespect, or if it offends a Native American group or another tribe, then some part of it should be changed.

4 points

Controversial Mascots are disrespectful and without changing them can show kids that they are alright. "What makes it worse is that it's coming from a school district," says Abed Ayoub, who is the legal and policy director for the ADC, "They're supposed to be teaching kids to respect other cultures." When kids see controversial mascots they might laugh and make fun of them and think that those mascots, logos, and names are good and don't matter to anyone. As they grow up they might think that controversial mascots don't affect anyone, and might make more offensive things that might make people more offended.

4 points

Some people say that some controversial mascots represent and make some Native American groups feel honored. But I disagree, I think that controversial mascots are offensive to some groups and should be banned. "The "use" of these mascots are "legalized racism," says Andrea Pierce who has a job with Michigan Coalition, which is against racism in sports. Some controversial mascots represent groups in a foolish way, which can be taken offensively by people or groups. According to Scholastic News Edition, "Wisconsin now allows bans on logos, nicknames, and mascots based on Native Americans and other races."

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