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20efuller's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

Studies show that teens are just as likely to crash on the road as elderly people.

3 points

Studies show that teens are just as likely to crash on the road as elderly people.

1 point

According to Mark Schlachtenhaufen a reporter for mrc newsbusters and edmundson says that if a 16 year old with 1 year of skill will drive about the same as a 21 year old with the same 1 year of skill.

2 points

That you should not raise driving age

1.if you raise it how are they going to get places without you

If they wanted to go to prom and they needed to have you drive them to a GF’s/BF’s and you need to do something for work how are they going to get their. Also if you're at work and then they need to go to work for like a summer job who is going to take them their

2.Not as much skill

When you drive around you get better at it right? Well if you raise the driving age that skill time goes away and can do more damage because you are more protective when they are younger so you watch over them and tell them how to drive but if they are older you don’t worry about them a ton so you’re not hounding over them telling them how to do this and that, you just say what does what and thats it. Also before you can even get your drivers license you have to do a test to see even if you can get it.According to Mark Schlachtenhaufen a reporter for mrc newsbusters and edmundson says that if a 16 year old with 1 year of skill will drive about the same as a 21 year old with the same 1 year of skill.

3. is it just Teens ?

If you think about it Adults crash all the time so will teens but thats just the way it is on the road. According to a Santa Fe High School senior Madison Wilkinson said she thinks 16 is a good age, when teens are maturing. She said it is not just teens who are destructive on city streets and highways, that adults are as well.

More deadly?

Studies show that teens are just as likely to crash on the road as elderly people. So are you saying that we should take the elderly off the roads also, I don’t think so.

So that is why i think you should not raise the age of driving

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