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20jrottier's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20jrottier's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

They say "no matter your age, when you begin driving you are not as experienced and that results in deadly car accidents." This is not true because raising the driving age will not create more accident-prone drivers because when you get older you get more responsible and mature. Therefore, when you get older, you get more responsible and mature which will create a safer environment than it would be at the age of 16.

6 points

Lawmakers should raise the driving age. It is both right for the teens and the community because overall, teens are bad drivers. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, “sixteen year old drivers have more accidents per highway mile than any other age group.” Why should we keep the driving age at the place we are now because then teens will keep on causing many automobile accidents?

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