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20lwilson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20lwilson's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If everybody is trying to change the name of their mascots then how are people supposed to honor the history of where they are from. So we should keep our mascots, they tell about the history, and about the people that lived before us. The mascots were never intended to hurt anybody, but to honor them.

1 point

Yes, and the town names don't change with the team names so what is the point of switching the mascot names.

2 points

I agree with one of 20jdriscoll's earlier arguments, about why if the states or many towns in states are named after famous Indians or Indian tribes, then why is it all of a sudden wrong to name a sports team after them? There may be times when the team may have a rude nickname or chant like "Scalpers" or "Scalp them!" Those I can understand why people or Indians may find offensive but the team names in general should be fine.

5 points

Mascots are a sign of respect to the people or being it is named after, they are not meant to offend anyone or disappoint and we do look up to our mascots in a way. Such as the Kimberly Papermakers, we don't find it offensive and we look up to it when the team goes to state. That is what we do when our favorite professional teams go to a championship game, or the world series.

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