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20mgaleazzi's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20mgaleazzi's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Isn't the safety of others more important. In 2003, there were 937 drivers aged 16, all 937 of those drivers were involved in a fatal car crash. In the fatal car crashes 411 of the 16-year old's died, and 352 of their passengers were killed. According to “Sixteen-year-old drivers are involved in fatal crashes at a rate nearly five times the rate of drivers 20 or older.” I think its time we stop hurting 16 year old's and others.

4 points

They say that parents don't want to drive their kids to places or they can’t, but I say that kids lives are way more important. Being 16 isn't that old, they have barely lived a life. Why would you want to take that away from them. Anyways they can ride the bus, get a taxi, ride a bike. Also traffic accidents are the leading cause of death forAmericann teenagers based on ⅓ of 16 year old age group. States that “The new brain research suggests that a separate factor is just as crucial: maturity. A new 17- or 18-year-old driver is considered safer than a new 16-year-old driver, because of the maturity level.” I think we should raise the driving age because the brain is just more developed.

7 points

I think that we should increase the driving age. I think this because there is more accidents. 16 year old drivers have more accidents per highway than any other group of people. According to “On average, two people die every day across the USA in vehicles driven by 16-year-old drivers. One in five 16-year-old's will have a reported car crash within the first year.”

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