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20mholland's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20mholland's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with ryan we are not really honoring them we are kind of disrespecting their culture. Like the Redskins is referring to someone being colored, not honoring them it is disrespecting them.

1 point

Another reason why I think we should ban controversial mascots is because that disvalues their cultures. Here is an example Bel Cooper remembers taking his daughter to a high school football game once and watching as a cheerleader came running onto the field wearing what looked like a Native American headdress and buckskin clothing. Then the teenaged girl flipped around and did cartwheels for the entertainment of the fans in the stands. So there just doing that for fun and not entertainment when we should be respecting their culture.

1 point

I think that they should ban mascots because people see them insulting not a sign of respect. Like the Oneida representative Ray Halbritter says " We do not deserve to be called Redskins. Suzan Harjo says " There is nothing dignified in something being so named (That is used for) recreation or entertainment or fun. You're really not supporting them they think that you are insulting them. Many schools in Wisconsin made the switch even before the new law took effect. Groups supporting the Wisconsin law say that Native american sport references are are insulting.

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