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RSS 20evandeneng

Reward Points:11
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9 most recent arguments.
0 points

Just because it has a large population of Native Americans doesn't mean that all of the tribes or ANY of the tribes are against Redskins. This is merely a inference.

0 points

I think that Wikipedia is not the best source for information. Other than that though there will always people against Indian mascots ALWAYS! Another example is the Washington Redskins are always going to have haters and there is no stopping that. The real thing that we should be worried about is if it affecting those ethnic groups. I don't see any information or facts that say they were against it in this scenario.

2 points

I also disagree with this because just because one state has gone through with a ban doesn't mean that it is the right thing to do. Many colleges and schools have kept their mascots because of support form their fans and Indian tribes.

Just because Native Americans make up a small percentage in our nations population doesn't mean we give them no respect. There have been many colleges such as Dartmouth College who changed its unofficial Indian mascot in the 70's. I found this information using this article

4 points

Some more evidence to support that many think of it as a sign of respect include this. In Florida State University in the article, Honor Or Insult, they were going to get rid of their nickname Seminoles. Whilst trying to do this they got massive support from the Seminole tribes to keep the mascot and nickname. There are many ways to come back the negative image other than getting rid of the mascot and nickname all together. A article says that, “The only thing that should be banned when it comes to this topic is the negative stereotypes that come along with the individual mascots.”

I don't agree with this claim. Just because many universities have changed their names doesn't mean that everyone is against it. In the article Honor or insult? Florida State University kept its Seminoles nickname after receiving support from Seminole tribes.They also have a Seminole chief (Osceola) as their mascot that they kept.

3 points

Many decide to keep their mascots, nicknames, or logos is because it has been in the school, or sports team for a long time. A good example of this that I found in the article Honor Or Insult is about the Mukwonago School District. Their nickname was the the Indians and it was going to be voted to get rid of or just keep it. Because it had been in place for 86 years and has deep meaning in the community they keep the nickname and are still called the Indians.

2 points

I do agree that the story in Time Magazine was an over exaggeration. I mean, it did sound like it the girl was little and doesn't understand controversial mascots. Personally, I feel that the story was based off of a little kid crying. I also agree that it shows the towns history and some people are very attached to these mascots.

2 points

I think that they should NOT ban controversial mascots. It says this line in the article Honor Or Insult, “Many people believe that the mascots are actually honoring Native American culture.” The way I think about it is if it is your ethnicity group and you find it offensive, ban it. But if it isn't your ethnicity group then it isn’t your call.

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