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19llong's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19llong's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

Teenagers are teenagers, no matter how old they are. They're brains are already developed so it doesn't make a difference.

3 points

It’s inexperience! You’ve fully developed at age 16 so there isn’t any more growing, you’re just delaying death if you switch it to 18 and have bad drivers. The most dangerous drivers on the road are people with under 2 years of experience.

2 points

Raising the driving age makes kids more dependent on parents. No parents want to chauffeur their kids around ANOTHER two years. Plus, most teens don’t have access to public transit.

7 points

It isn't a weapon if you use it right. Raising the driving age would only delay death anyway

0 points

It doesn’t matter, driving is deadly for all age groups at times. Auto accidents is the leading cause of death for ALL age groups. Teenagers don’t have as many diseases and sicknesses as old people do, so that sets the numbers back for cause of death and puts car accidents at first. Which makes it seem that driving is worse than it really is.;=D&sntz;=1&usg;=AFQjCNGoC1Ap8k1huU ugdWyFpsEIEF4g

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