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1 point

I think the age should be raised because 16 year old's aren't as responsible as a 18 or 20 year old therefore 16 year old's are more likely to get in a car crash then anyone out of high school. Kids during high school don't fully get/ put together the fact that driving is serious. But when out of school, ( graduated) you more likely to know more about how it works and be more serious about it.

2 points

According to Teen Ink, the main reason why 16 year old's death rate is high in auto accident is due to inexperience, meaning no matter how high they raise the age, drivers within the first year will be inexperienced causing more crashes.

4 points

I believe that driving is not only dangerous to 16 year old, it is dangerous to all ages. Driving-Safety said that the leading cause of death for 15-24 year old's is auto accidents but also can be dangerous for all ages over 4, meaning no mater how old the driving age is it won't change the death rate.

-1 points says that teen driving is deadly. 16 year olds are more likely to die in a car crash then a 30 year old because 16 year olds are momre distracted then 30 years. They found that 16 year olds are more likely to text and drive or go on their phone the 30 year olds.

4 points

Also raising the driving age because other 16 year old are getting in accidents is unfair. For example, if your neighbor gets in trouble, and he is the age of 16, should all 16 year old's get in trouble? Np, because not all 16 year old's are irresponsible. It is unfair to increase the age because other 16 year old aren't responsible to drive the right way.

4 points

If the driving age is raised to the age of 18 for example, just like 16 year olds, the 18 year olds death rate in driving would raise just like the 16 year olds, meaning raising the driving age would decrease the 16 year old death rate, but also increase the age the raise it too.

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