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20bgardner's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

You guys might say that the driving age should stay where it is, but I think it should be raised because the roads would be safer without immature 16 year old's, they have access to phones and are at a higher risk of hurting themselves and others due to phones. therefore the age should be raised.

0 points

I think that the age of when teens get their drivers license at 18. 16 year olds are the most involved in highway car crashes than any other age due to immaturity and inexperience. One third of 16 year olds end up dead in crash. 16 year old drivers are the the most to die in crashes. 3 years in vietnam is equal to one year driving in the U.S.A, and if they raised the age to 18 the kids will be more mature. Now a days kids have phone so they have access to texting and driving and are at a higher risk f getting in a crash 5,000 16 year olds die in a car crash due to texting and driving.

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