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2 points

The only reason that 16 year olds are the ones that have the most accidents is becasue they are the youngest ones driving. They have least amount of experience. If we increase it then it will only make the 18 year olds the ones with the most amount of accidents because now they are the youngest ones driving. With the least amount of experience. Yes when kids are 16 they are addicted to their phones but so are 18 year olds so then that won't help with that problem. 18 year olds would not be used to driving just like 16 year olds. So that means that switching the driving age to 18 would not make a difference.

2 points

You say that the driving age should be increased, but I disagree with that. Driving age should not be increased for many reasons. If you are raising the age it won't make a difference because it depends on the experience not age. Once it is changed to 18 year olds instead of 16 then the deaths will change to 18 year olds because now the 16 year olds that are driving wont be. According to A. J. Rox and the article Driving age should not be Raised, it says that “Sixteen-year old drivers crash mostly because inexperience. If the driving age is raised then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year olds will increase.” Therefore there is really no reason at all for changing the driving age because it won’t help teenagers for doing it.

4 points

I agree with ellyn. A third reason to help, is that increasing the age won't affect the number of deaths that occur. If the age is increased to 18 then the amounts of deaths will increase for them and go down for 16 years old because they aren't driving any more. It will only delay deaths for a little bit and go back to normal with the inexperienced 18 year olds. Its really not what age they are, its what they chose to do themselves and their choices - according to the article should 16 year olds drive.

3 points

Another reason that can support my thinking to why the driving age should not be increased is that when kids are 16 they need places to go and the only way to help that is to be able to drive at that age. Most kids get a job at about the age 16 and their parents don't have the time to drive them to those jobs or anything like that. The article, Should driving age be raised to 18 it states how kids are usually getting a job at 16 and they want to drive themselves. Another important thing to remember is also that if kids can't make it to their jobs, they won’t have one. If they don't have a job then they won't learn to work hard when they are younger which will really affect how they act when they are older. Letting them drive when they are 16 will really help in the future for them.

3 points

I agree with paige because one reason why the driving age should not be increased its because it won't make a difference because if you teach them when they are 18 then it would be the same as if you are teaching them when they are 16. Kids need to be taught a lesson when they are at a younger age. A piece of evidence to support that is from the article Driving age should not be increased, saying “The fact of the matter is driving is based on experience and making good choices, not age.” This is showing that it really doesn't matter if you change the driving age because it isn't based on the age. It is mostly from the decisions that are made and also the experience that they have. So there would be no point in changing the driving age.

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