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20elepisto's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

Another reason why I think that the driving age should not be raised is because it would complicate parents schedules. If the driving age was raised, how would teens get to their activities? Sports practices? Dates? Parents would end up having to be their kids chauffeur and would have to cart them everywhere because their kids wouldn't have their license. Also, a study done by shows that many parents say that handing the car keys over to their teen is a great convenience. Although the stress of worrying about accidents is still always there, parents admit that it is a relief that their kids can drive themselves to where they want to/need to go. Also, think about working parents, how would they bring their kids to these activities? Most of them would be unable to bring their children everywhere so that might lead to less-involved teens. Who would want that? As you can see, raising the driving age would not have any positive effects and would really complicate parents schedules.

5 points

I believe that the driving age should not be raised. The first reason why I believe this is because good driving is dependent on experience, not age. Despite what proposers of raising the driving age believe, changing the driving age to 18 will not save lives at the blink of an eye. Instead, it would just cause more 18 year olds to die, not 16 year olds. Think of yourself when you learned how to ride a bike. You started off out of control and wobbly, but overtime you mastered how to bike. That is exactly how driving is: the more you drive, the better you get. Therefore, the driving age should not be raised because good driving depends not age, so raising it would not help anything.

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