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20lkassel's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

MY CLAIM: Mascots shouldn't be banned because they show honor & tradition

REASON # 1 Tribes who represent mascots are honored to be.

EVIDENCE Marquette University’s Native American community, stated that “They've always seen the Chief as a positive symbol”

EVIDENCE David Hinkle, graduated from Coachella Valley High School, He said that “I don’t think it can be viewed as offensive,” He also added “He is proud to be one of the Arabs” (His schools Mascot)

REASON # 2 Mascots can promote historical background

EVIDENCE When people see the logo or mascot it can show them how certain cultures dressed or still do, leading people to respect that type of culture even more.

EVIDENCE With a certain mascot that has a historical background behind it, people are almost forced or want to learn why that mascot is historical, giving good background knowledge of that culture to people.

EVIDENCE They provide historical background when schools sometimes reenact why their mascot is their mascot, showing why their mascot is so honorable.

2 points

I think that mascots should stay because they show honor to the tribes/ethnicities that the mascots represent, therefore mascots aren't here to to "insult" races, they are here to show that, the mascot is respected and honored otherwise, it wouldn't be a mascot.

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