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RSS 20plevinson

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

You may say that but according to John Two-Hawks - Oglala Lakota Activist, speaker and musician it is not an honor, “There are so many things I can tell you about the sports team names, mascots and imagery that are anything but an 'honor' that it would take up more time than you have to read. So let's just hit the basics - the 'R' word is racist, not an honor. The word 'Braves' is a racial slur, not an honor. Mascots and fans dressing up like 'Indians' is insulting and highly offensive, not an honor. Fans performing 'tomahawk chops' at games are insulting and highly offensive, not an honor. Are we seeing a pattern here?” Also the mascots schools usually have are some sort of a cartoon and it's showing their culture in a cartoon like way which is offensive to many to see their culture imitated in such a why. That's why I believe that it is against them and their culture and it is not an honor.

3 points

I think that controversial mascots should be ban because it is hurtful for those of that race. The name Redskin is as bad as some other choice words for other races because of the meaning, but other people will not give up the name because of tradition but the name also refers to the Indian history people sold their scalps and hence the offense for it. Some to act on it so,”In March, several lawmakers introduced a bill in Congress that would amend the Trademark Act of 1946 to ban the term “redskin” in a mark because it is disparaging of native people. Among the sponsors of the bill is civil rights activist Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia,” Says the article, Native American mascots: Pride or prejudice? Written by Moni Basu. It is bad enough that they had to take it to court and there was enough people offended that it was taken to court.

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