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RSS Bberry

Reward Points:11
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree and disagree they should change the little things and that would probably be a good solution to the problem. I agree with what you said except for the last part. They should change the whole idea and despite the little changes they could make, they will still have people who are offended and nobody should have to offended by a mascot.

1 point

They aren't truly showing what the Indian culture is about, they are imitating Indians in a stereotypical way. I don't think a girl dressing up like an Indian and then going out on the field to do cartwheels is truly teaching about their culture. Source: Native American Mascot Devalues Culture.

1 point

I agree that mascots are supposed to strike fear into opponents, but I don't think using a stereotypical Arab is the way to go. I don't think it's ok to use that as your mascot, if it offends anybody! I believe that if they aren't Arabs they shouldn't try and put on a show for the fans while they pretend to be Arabs. They should strike fear by winning games with hard hits, not by bringing up a stereotype that offends people out of the game. Source: Arab-Americans cry foul over California high school mascot.

1 point

Some people feel very honored but the ones who are feeling offended or who feel that these names are racist in a way, are getting put down from it. Mascots are supposed to be fun for all people, including other teams (even if there is a rivalry). They aren't supposed to make people cry and feel bad about how people see them like the girl in the article Native American Mascots Devalue Culture.

2 points

I believe that offensive mascots should change. Over the past 5 years schools have been changing there names from, racist, stereotypical names into names that help represent the school in a positive fashion. For example a D1 college, Stanford has changed its mascot from an Indian mascot to a cardinal

(Learned from the article Mind Your Own Mascot). Many Indians were a fan of this change. Most people would say that some Indians liked it but some people are getting hurt so they need to change.

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